Wednesday, April 15, 2020

There is no justice without freedom.

There is no justice without freedom. There is no belonging without Identity. There is no identity without Land. There is no family and structures without values. There is no personal and communal purpose and meaning without Identity. Identity and Values take thousands of years civilization to develop. These are evidence, scientific and wisdom based truth. Take back your land now and restore your Identity and values before too late.

Its Me: Yemane Abadi

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Quick Guide to Every Herb and Spice in the Kitchen – በማድቤት ውስጥ የእያንንዱ ቅጠል እና ቅመም ፈጣን መመርያ

ደረቅ ቅጠሎች እና ቅመሞች አሳፎቲዳ (አሳፌቲዳ) – አሳፎቲዳ በህንድ አመጋገብ ውስጥ የምግብ መፈጨትን ለመርዳት የሚጠቅም ሲሆን የበሰለ ዝንጅብል ሽንኩርት ቃና ያለው ጠንካራ ሽታ አለው፡፡ አቾቴ ማጣበቂያ እና ዱቄት ...