Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Battle of Gura

The Battle of Gura was fought on March 7–9, 1876 between Ras Woldemichael Solomon and the Khedivate of Egypt near the town of Gura in the nowEritrea. It was the decisive battle of the Ethiopian–Egyptian War. The Egyptians invaded from their coastal possessions in what is now Eritrea. The armies of Ras Alula and Isma'il met at Gundet on the morning of 16 November 1875. There was a crushing rout of the vastly-outnumbered but well equipped invading Egyptian force at the hands of the defending Ethiopian force. News of this huge defeat was suppressed in Egypt for fear that it would undermine the government of the Khedivate. After the defeat at Gundet, the Egyptians sent a much larger well-armed force to invade from the north. They built a fort there but were again defeated at the Battle of Gura in March 1876.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ [1], p. 68

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