Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Saying I Love You in Different Languages

Saying I Love You in Different Languages
The romantic phrase "I love you" is said around the world in every language. These sweet words are spoken to profess emotions of fondness, desire, affection and admiration for another person.

We'll show you how to say "I love you" in 20 languages. You'll never know when you might want to say those words in a different language. To make the phrase something special or unique to you and your loved one, speaking or writing it in another language is a warm and touching gesture.

Saying I Love You in Different Languages
Saying "I love you" in another language can be a sweet way to show your affection. Learn this simple phrase in a language other than the one you typically use to show your loved one that they are special to you. This gesture is sure to impress and grab their attention.

Here are the ways to profess your love in 20 languages:
Tigrigna: Ane Yefkireka/ki /Yifetweka/ki Eye ኣነ የፍቅረካ/ኪ ይፈትወካ/ኪ እየ:::::::::::::::
Arabic (modern): Ana uhibbuka/uhibbuki (ah-nah oo-heh-boo-ka/oo-heh-boo-kee)
Danish: Jeg elsker dig (yay els-ka dah)
Dutch: Ik hou van jou (ick how fan yow)
Finnish: Mina rakastan sinua (mee-na rah-ka-stahn see-noo-ah)
French: Je t'aime (Zhuh tem)
German: Ich liebe dich (Ick leebuh dik)
Greek: S'agapo (seg-app-oh)
Hawaiian: Aloha wau ia 'oe (a-loh-ha vaoo ea-ah oh-eh)
Italian: Ti amo (Tee ah-mo)
Japanese: Aishiteru (ay-she-tay-ee-roo)
Korean: Sarang hae (sa-rang-hey)
Mandarin: Wo ai ni (Wuh eye nee)
Polish: Kocham cie(ko-ham che)
Portuguese: Amo-te/eu te amo (ah-muh-tuh/oo chee ah-moh)
Romanian: Te lubesc (tay you-besk)
Russian: Ya lyublyu tebya (Yay loo-bloo teb-yeh)
Spanish: Te quiero/te amo (Tay key-aero/Tay-ah-mo)
Swahili: Naku penda (nah-koo pen-dah)
Swedish: Jag älskar dig (Ya ell-scar dey)

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