Thursday, March 21, 2019


We are currently working to release a link on recipies of the most popular traditional foods in Ethiopia. This page however is develpoed to provide an insight to tourists on the different Ethiopian foods so that they know what to expect and what to eat based on their preferences.

All 66 Nations and Nationalities in Ethiopia have their own cultual foods. Each has not one but several exclusive recipies which makes a complete listing beyond the scope of this page. It is however possible to find some commonalities, particularly for travelers going to urbanized areas.

Enjera is the most widely eaten food in Ethiopia. Enjera is baked more like a pancake on traditional stoves. The ingredient which is known as Teff consists of tiny grains, which are grinded and mixed with water before baking.

Many Ethiopians say that they cannot tolerate eating anything else but enjera. The most important reason is that Enjera is somewhat heavy and not easy to digest. Therefore an Ethiopian who eats light eurpoean dishes is likely to feel hungry just a couple of hours after eating because it tends to digest quickly. Enjera is rich in terms of iron content.

Tasted without any sauce enjera tends to have a little sower taste. While it is one of the most enjoyable foods to eat, enjera is not recommended for those who have gastric problems. The majority of tourists enjoy eating enjera but if you happen to experience digestive problems try eating the various ethiopian sauces with bread instead.

Enjera is not served alone. Wot litteraly means sauce in Amharic. Different kinds of sauces are served in different cultures and occasions. Here we will describe the most commonly served sauces in Ethiopian cities.

SEGA WOT: this is a sauce made of beef ( or sheep meat) cut in pieces. Other ingredients include different kind of local spices, butter, and lots of chopped onions. SEGA WOT has two major varieties: it can be made with hot spices giving it a dark brown color. This is the kind of sauce that you will be provided with if you simply order Sega Wot. If you are not a spice person you should order ALECHA SEGA wot, which does not have any hot spices at all.

MENCHET: has little difference from Sega wot exept that the meat is chopped in tinny pieces.

MESER WOT: this is a sauce made of lentils with most of the ingredients being simmilar to those described above. A coloring ingredient known as Erd is usually added to it to give it a bold yellow color.

SHIRO: rated highly by many tourists, Shiro is the specialty sauce of the Tigrayan ethnic groups. If you plan to visit Yeha or Axum, make sure you taste the traditionally made shiro of the Tigrayans. It is a good sauce especially for vegeterians.

BEYAYNETU: this is not a sauce but a variety of traditional vegeterian sauces. This is normally served during fasting periods. It consists of some of the sauces that we described above with the inclusion of salads and vegetables prepared in the Ethiopian way. It is an enjoyable meal for vegetarians and if you happen to come to Ethiopia between March and May you are likely to be served much of this meal.

DORO WOT: in Ethiopian Homes this sauce is prepared for national hollidays such as Epiphany, New year... . This sauce is made is of chicken and takes more than a day to cook properly. Delecious and must taste, it is nonetheless one to avoid for those who are weary of fat and high cholestrol.


Ethiopians are passionate with meat and provided with the necessary resources two meals are given high importance.

RAW MEET: parts of beef and goat meat are popularly eaten raw in all parts of the country. Detail information is available on our do not be shocked page.

KITFO: popular food of the Gurages, Kitfo is a mixture of choped meat, butter and spices specially prepared. Although eaten in homes on ordinary days, Meskel is the Kitfo day for the Gurages. Kitfo can be served in its raw form, half cooked and completely cooked.

Note: while we have provided information regarding raw meet and kitfo, we strogly recommend that tourists do not venture eating this foods. Meet in its raw form is prone to entail a variety of illnesses, particularly parasites. While many Ethiopians passionate about these meals take medications whenever illnesses occur, the medications may not be available in your country as the forms of parasites are not a problem, particularly in Europe. If you want to venture Kitfo try the cooked version.

We realize that some of the tourists traveling to Ethiopia prefer to stick to their accustomed diet for different reasons. Please visit our service directory page to learn where to find what during your travel.

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