Friday, February 21, 2020


ኣምር ትግራወይነት: እምነትን ሓቅን እዩ። ትግራዋይነት ብቐንዱ ምስ ዘርኢን ደምን ዝተተሓሓዘ ናይ ወገን መለለዪ ኣይኮነን። ትግራዋይነት ብቋንቋን ብመልክኣ ምድሪ ጥራሕ ኣይውሰንን። ቋንቋ መንነት ዝግለፀሉ ሓደ መልክዕን ትሕዝቶን ዋላ ይኹን እምበር ናይ ትግራዋይነት ደራቲ ሓፁር አይኮነን። ብስሩ እውን ትግራዋይ ሓደ ናይ ሓባር  ቋንቋ ትግርኛ ዝጥቀም እምበር ትግርኛ ብሕታዊ ቋንቋ ተጋሩ ኣይኮነን፡፡ ምኽንያቱ ተጋሩ ካብ ትግርኛ ብተወሳኺ ከም ግእዝ፣ ትግረ፣ ኩናማ፣ ሳሆን ካልኦትን ቋንቋታት ስለ ዝውንኑ።

ትግራዋይነት ኣተሓሳስባ፣ ተግባርን ባህርን እውን እዩ፡፡ ትግራዋይነት ስብእና  ሥልጣነ እዩ። ትግራዋይ ናይ ትግራዋይነት መግለፂ ዝኾኑ ፍልስፍናን ክብርታትን (ዕሴታት) ባዕሉ ኮይኑወን ይርከብ። ንኣብነት ሓላፍነት ምውሳድ፣ ብጽፍርኻ ምዕባይ፣ ሰብኣዊነት፣ ምትእምማን (Trust)፣ ሓቀይናነት (Integrity)፣ ምትሕልላይ፣ ሓቦ፣ ዓድኻ ምፍታው፣ ትብዓትን ዓርሰ ምትእምማንን ብተግባር ይገልፀን። ትግራዋይነት ካልኦት መግለጽታት እውን ኣለውዎ። ኣብ ስርዓትን ሕግን ምትእምማን፣ ነዊሕ ኣጠማምታ፣ ስርዓትን ስሩዕነትን (Formal hierarchy) ፣ ንፍትሕን ማዕርነትን መስዋእቲ ምኽፋል፣ ንጸገማት ዘይምብርካኽ፣ ልባምነትን ምዕጋስን፣ ጭቆና ዘይምቕባል ወዘተርፈ ተባሂሉ ክዝርዘር ይከኣል።

ትግራዋይ መንነት ጥሙር ናይ ሓባር መንነት ስለ ዝኮነ ብተናፃፀልቲ መግለፅታት (ከም  ቋንቋ፣ መልክኣ ምድሪ፣ ዓልየት፣ ሃይማኖት፣ ባህሊ) ፈላሊኻ ትግራዋይነት እዙይ እዩ ወይ ከምዙይ ጥራሕ  እዩ ምባል ስለዘይካኣል ነቲ ዋና ሕመረት ትግራዋይነት ብትኽክል  ኣማሊኡ ዝሓዘ እቲ ስርዓተ ክብርታት ተጋሩ ኮይኑ ንረኽቦ። ስለዚ ትግራዋይነት ብቶም ዋና ክብርታት ዝኾኑ ዓርሰ ምርኮሳ፣ ስነ-ልቦናዊ ሓድነት፣ መበቆላዊ ሥልጣነን ሓቋፋይነትን  ዝግለፅ እዩ፡፡

ታሪኽ ትግራዋይ ክብርታቱ እንተኽብር ዝኸበርን ኣብ ብራኸ ሥልጣነ ዝድይብን ምንባሩ: ክብርታቱ ምዕቃብ እንትሳኣኖ ውድቀት ከም ዘተኣናግድ ዘረጋግጽ እዩ። ክብርታትና መሰረታዊ ባእታታት ትግራዋይነት እዮም፡፡ ስለዝኾነ ድማ ክብርታትና ዓቂብና ዳግም ናብ ብራከ ሥልጣነን ምዕባለን ትግራዋይ ንምብሳር ማሕበረሰባዊ ምንቅስቓስ ወሊዕና ምቅላስ ኣድላዪ ይኸውን፡፡


The successor of Yohannes was Menelik originally from Shewa district. Menelik was a king determined to introduce western modernization. After shifting his capital to Addis Ababa, He built the first hotel named after his wife Taytu , railway, the first car... which were completely new to Ethiopia.

Meanwhile the threat of colonial powers which started during his predecessor continued. The Italian army which was unsuccessful in colonizing the country was using different means to occupy Ethiopia. Menelik, who was so determined to reinforce his army, made a historic mistake of selling a significant portion of what is known as the current sovereign country of Eritrea in exchange for riffles and canons. This exchange was governed by treaty known as the treaty of Wuchale. The treaty was drafted both in Italian and Amharic which was signed by both parties. The Italians used Menelik's ignorance of foreign languages to write the Italian version of the agreement with different clauses. While the Amharic version which Menelik reviewed and signed was an endorsement of handing Eritrea and part of the Tigray, the twisted Italian version stipulated that Italy was entitled to the whole of Ethiopia. The Italians used this treaty naively signed by Menelik to make a case among the European powers to justify going to battle with Menelik. The Italian governement sent a messenger to Menelik with an ultimatum, to either surrender his country or face the consequences. Menelik declined. The contraversy of the Wuchale treaty culminated in an all out war between the powerful Italian forces and Menelik.

Menelik mobilized all Ethiopians to join forces in a battle that he himself lead. Tens of thousands marched from his new capital Addis Ababa which ended in a fierce confrontation against a well armed Italian army in the city of Adwa. The Italians were humilitated with a defeat and the battle of Adwa in 1896 was the first and significant African triumph against colonial powers.

Africa | Tigray woman • Axum, Ethiopia. Tigray regions religious tattoos known as Wi'kato (ውቃጦ).

The most remarkable and remote art in the world revealed

Desert Dreamer

De kerk van Abreha en Azbeha

Photo by Rita Willaert on flickr · · · De kerk van Abreha en Azbeha - Ethiopië -Ethiopia Van Wukra rijden we door het spectaculaire Gheraltagebergte. De toegang tot de kerken is soms erg moeilijk met steile beklimmingen en verborgen paden. De meeste van de kerken zijn uit de zandstenen rotsen uitgehouwen en soms moeilijk zichtbaar. In Tigray bevinden zich heel wat kerken uit het begin van de Christenheid. Tigraykerken zijn heilige plaatsen. In Gheralta bevinden zich tientallen rotskerken vermaard voor hun architectuur, fresco's en manuscripten. Tevens ook voor hun panoramische ligging en moeilijke toegang. Eenvoudig te bereiken is de kerk van Abreha en Azbeha. De lokale overlevering wil dat deze kerk door de tweelingkoningen naar wie ze genoemd wordt, werd uitgehouwen. Hun moeder was van deze streek afkomstig. Deze kruisvormige kerk is vrijstaand van de originele rots uitgehouwen. Ze heeft een mooi uitgehouwen plafond gesteund door 13 pilaren en beschilderde arcaden. In de kerk zijn drie masdaqs respectievelijk toegewijd aan Gabriel, Michaël en Maria. De goed bewaarde en mooi uitgevoerde muurschilderingen zijn eerder recent bijgewerkt en dateren uit de tijd van Johannes IV (19de eeuw) . Ze beelden de ganse geschiedenis van de Ethiopische kerk uit. Tekst uit het boek van Walter Driesen, ' Ethiopia, een kwetsbare schoonheid' Walter was als topkenner van de Ethiopische cultuur, tevens onze reisleider.

The seal of emperor Yohannes IV

The imperial seal of emperor Yohannes IV of Ethiopia (r. 1872-1889). It features the Lion of Judah, and both Arabic and Tigrinya inscriptions, reading: "Yohannes, king of kings of Ethiopia 1864". 1864 was the year Yohannes was appointed commander over Tigray by Tewodros II.

TigreanGlamour : “"I'm wearing the smile you…

Tigray Axum Beautiful Ethiopian Traditional Cloth

Inspiration - Hagereseb

Inspiration - Hagereseb

Passions who unite toward a goal beneficial to all. ❀ ❀

❀ Self Love, Charity & Compassion.
Passions who unite toward a goal beneficial to all. ❀ ❀ I post about personal development, community empowerment, sustainable fashion, arts and ecology. ❀ ❀

ArtPropelled — Ethiopian Scroll

Quick Guide to Every Herb and Spice in the Kitchen – በማድቤት ውስጥ የእያንንዱ ቅጠል እና ቅመም ፈጣን መመርያ

ደረቅ ቅጠሎች እና ቅመሞች አሳፎቲዳ (አሳፌቲዳ) – አሳፎቲዳ በህንድ አመጋገብ ውስጥ የምግብ መፈጨትን ለመርዳት የሚጠቅም ሲሆን የበሰለ ዝንጅብል ሽንኩርት ቃና ያለው ጠንካራ ሽታ አለው፡፡ አቾቴ ማጣበቂያ እና ዱቄት ...